Aug 6, 2008


me and my love have gone back and forth on how we want to get married….we are not really the tradition wedding type, so we have come up with other options about how we want this done…..but it seems after all the discussing we have come to the conclusion that we want a semi-traditional wedding…you know with the church, dress and tux! So I have been up for the last 2 ½ hours looking at wedding venues in his area and dresses for me. I tried to sleep but all my mind keeps thinking is that “ I need to get this done before school starts” partnered with “why doesn’t the internet just do it all for me” .

I am super stoked to get married to him but have never had the wedding planning bug, so I am kinda stuck since we both are kinda poor and not the planning type...


GF Girl said...

Ok honey, why don't we sit down together and we can walk through some of it - I think it's a good choice - there are plenty of ways you can make the wedding untradtional and still do the "traditional" elements.

And it doesn't need to be done before school starts - Leaha I'm here - we can work on it together - there really isn't a lot to do when it come to the big stuff - the details are where you decide on how complicated you want it.

LeahA said...

you have time today before 7 15 pm ish?

Nicole said...

Hey Leaha!

I would love to help get things figured out.. I love planning, organizing and looking for stuff.

Anonymous said...

dude... ELOPEEEEEEE. elopement. elopinggggg. whatever happened to thatt???!!!

GF Girl said...

Elopement removes those who care about the bride and groom from the union, it basically says we don't need your support, we don't care that you want to be there as a sign of your love, your prayers, your hopes for us.

No wedding is a formula, there are no rights and wrongs - Leaha can wear purple, Tim a dress, and they can make us all stand for an hour in the sun, but they make those vows with us involved - it is the way it should be, just like child dedication - there is a importance in the community of friends and faith gathering around a couple.

So LeahA that's why I and Nicole want to help you,so you can enjoy this process and know it is entirely yours and you got to share who you and Tim are and your love and commitment for one another with us.

Anonymous said...

wellll... i still say elope. but louie if you're gonna go for the people wedding type, i can make pretty invitation cards for ya!

Anonymous said...

oooh, and i can try making bouquets of flowers =) lots and lots of them