We woke up late today, like 1 pm style late and began a day of cleaning and reorganizing (Jenn style)
He made me my favorite eggs coupled with the most delicious food ever invented.
I choose the kitchen and bedroom therefore eliminating the bathrooms from my list (they are boy type gross, plus he dirties them more then me) ... As I washed dishes I thought of how good it feels to be in this new season of life.
I love the;
New paint colours (orange, brown, coffee, red, and olive)
New floors
New organization
New fridge (hopefully)
New cream in the fridge
New step daughter
New (older) husband
New country (although sometimes i do have my worries about becoming Americanized)
Everything is fresh, beautiful, innocent, fragile, calm and overwhelming all the while being a great challenge and a non deserving expression of GODS love towards us.
I feel so unworthy but have a huge heart of graditude and awe at the same time.
Love is good but
photo by leah tan